How To Dry Peppers In Air Fryer: 4 Steps You Should Know!

Welcome to our blog, Big Sun Cook! Today, we are excited to share a quick and easy method for drying peppers using an air fryer. Not only does this oil-free fryer cook food rapidly, but it also serves as an excellent tool for drying peppers without excessive grease.

Dried peppers are incredibly versatile. They can be used to season various dishes, add vibrant colors to garnishes, spice up spices, and even enhance the flavors of instant noodles. Thanks to the air fryer, drying peppers has become quicker and simpler than ever before.

In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to dry peppers in an air oven. You will learn how to prepare the peppers and adjust the air fryer for optimal results. We will also share valuable insights on the ideal time and temperature, selecting the right type of chili, and other useful tips for successfully air-drying peppers!


Why Should You Dry Peppers in Air Fryer?

Drying peppers in an oil free fryer is not recommended. Oil less fryer are mainly used for cooking food with hot air to create a crispy texture, not for drying. There are better options for drying peppers due to a few reasons:

  • Uneven drying: Oil less fryers are designed to evenly cook food, but drying peppers requires consistent airflow and low humidity, which an air fryer may not provide.
  • Moisture retention: Peppers contain moisture and proper drying needs a controlled environment with low humidity. Air fryers are not specifically designed for dehydrating food, so they may not effectively remove water from peppers, leading to insufficient drying and affecting the quality and shelf life of the peppers.
  • Limited capacity: Oil less fryers have limited space, typically suitable for smaller food quantities. Drying peppers often requires larger amounts, especially when preserving a large harvest or for future use. The limited capacity of an air fryer may make it impractical to dry a significant amount of peppers.

Instead, it is generally advised to use alternative methods such as air drying, oven drying, or using a specialized food dehydrator to dry peppers. These methods offer better control over the drying process, ensuring consistent airflow, reduced humidity, and proper moisture removal from the peppers.

What types of chilies to dry?

Drying chilies in an oil less fryer can be a convenient and efficient method. Some chili varieties that work well for air frying include serrano peppers, Thai chilies, Cayenne peppers, and red Fresno peppers.

  • Bell peppers are not typically dried due to their high water content and thick flesh but you can still use an oil less  fryer to roast them for a delicious and versatile culinary application.
  • Preserving the spiciness of serrano peppers is possible by drying them in an oil-free fryer. This allows you to use them as chili flakes or powders in various recipes.
  • Thai chilies(pepers) are small but extremely hot, making them a popular choice for adding fiery heat to dishes. Air drying them in an air fryer helps intensify their spiciness.
  • Cayenne peppers are known for their medium to high heat levels. Drying them in an oil-free fryer is an excellent way to preserve them for future use. Once dried, you can grind them into a fine powder or crush them into flakes to add heat to different recipes.
  • Red Fresno peppers can also be dried in an oil-free fryer. The resulting chili flakes or powders can be sprinkled on pizzas or added to soups for an extra kick.

How to dry chilies in an air fryer

Let me provide you with an expanded version of the steps for drying peppers in an oil less fryer, highlighting the benefits of using an oil less fryer  for this process:

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients and tools

  • Gather your favorite type of fresh peppers and an air fryer. Rinse the peppers with cold water and pat them dry with a paper towel.
How to dry chilies in an air fryer

Step 2: Prepare the peppers

  • Cut off the stems of the peppers and remove the seeds inside (based on your preference).
  • Next, cut the peppers into small pieces, thin slices, or leave them whole, depending on the type of pepper and your desired preparation.

Step 3: Dry the peppers in the air fryer

  • Turn on the air fryer and set the temperature to about 180-200°C (350-390°F).
  • Wait for the air fryer to preheat to the desired temperature.
  • Place the pepper pieces into the air fryer basket. Ensure they are spread out evenly and not stacked on top of each other.
  • Cover the air fryer and dry the peppers for about 5-7 minutes. The drying time may vary depending on the size and thickness of the peppers.

Step 4: Finishing touches and storage

  • Once the peppers have dried and become crisp, turn off the air fryer.
  • Use tongs or a spoon to transfer the dried peppers from the air fryer basket to a plate or storage container. Allow the peppers to cool completely before storing them in an airtight container.
  • You can use the dried peppers as a flavorful addition to your dishes or crush them into flakes for seasoning.
  • These revised steps will guide you through the process of drying peppers in an air fryer, resulting in crispy and preserved peppers without the need for oil. Enjoy the convenience and rich flavor of dried peppers in your cooking!

Tips and Warnings on How to Dry Peppers in Air Fryer

Drying peppers in an air fryer is an easy way to keep their taste. Here are some key reminders and cautions:



  • Make sure there is enough ventilation to avoid irritation from strong scents.
  • Wash and dry the peppers before slicing.
  • Wear gloves when handling hot peppers.
  • Set the temperature of the air grill to low (about 120°F to 140°F or 50°C to 60°C).
  • Avoid putting too many peppers in the air grill basket.
  • Monitor and rotate the peppers to allow for an even drying.
  • Be careful with the high level of spiciness once the chili has dried.
  • Test the dryness by crushing the chili easily.
  • Store dried peppers in an airtight jar and in a cool, dry place.

Final thoughts

Our above article Big Sun Cook, has explained to you how to fry pepper in an air fryer. We hope you can make your own delicious chilies. Thank you for reading our article. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below the article and we will try to answer quickly as possible!

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